Nut & Seed Hydration Guide

by | Apr 14, 2021


The soaking time for nuts or seeds depends how solid they are, but either way, there are so many benefits to hydrating your nuts. Including better texture, taste and versatility in recipes.


Start off by soaking your nuts & seeds in spring water, distilled water or antioxidizing kangen water. (timing chart below)

Note: If you don’t always have time to soak for the full recommended time, 20 minutes or a very good rinse at least.

This is a great opportunity to get into the habit of planning ahead as they can be soaked overnight in the fridge.

The nuts should be stored in a glass container with an airtight lid because plastic release toxins into the water, affecting the purity of the food.

It is a good idea to keep a variety of nuts and seeds soaking in the fridge, especially if you are a raw foodist.

Important: Change the soak water every few days to avoid spoilt food.


Nut and Seed Hydration

Nuts / Seed List Hydration Time
Almonds 9-12 hrs
Brazil Nuts 8 hrs
Black Seed / Nigella Seeds 1-2 hrs
Cashews 2-3 hours
Flax Seeds** No need to hydrate
Hazelnuts 9-12 hrs
Hemp Seeds No need to hydrate
Macadamia Nuts 2 hrs
Pecans 4-6 hrs
Pine Nuts No need to hydrate
Pistachio Nuts 4-8 hrs
Pumpkin Seeds (Hulled) 8 hrs
Sesame Seeds 8 hrs
Sunflower Seeds (Hulled) 2 hrs
Walnuts 4-8 hr


Within as little as 20 minutes, the soak water is brown. After a couple of hours, much of the dust, residue, and tannins from the skins are released into the water and the nut emerges with a smoother, more pleasurable taste.

When soaking nuts, such as walnuts, the tannins are cleansed away meaning the slightly bitter taste is gone, leaving behind a softer and more buttery nut.

The soak water from nuts and seeds should always be discarded.

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